Items medium note
This series consists of 6 folders containing paylists and pay instruction rolls for the Queensland Defence Force members who served in the Boer War. Australian Archives has imposed the control symbols [1] - [6] on the respective covers.
Folder 1 contains a folio printed pay list for the Fifth Queensland Contingent for service in South Africa, for September 1901. It gives name and rank of member, bank account and regimental numbers, and details of payments to the Government Savings Bank with names of those to whom credit payment is to be made. There are ink and pencil notations in the remarks column. The list is arranged inlexicographical order from Adams to Yesburg. Folder 1 also contains a foolscap handwritten pay list for the Fifth Queensland Contingent for service in South Africa, for September 1901. It gives name and rank of member, regimental number, full daily rate of pay, proportion payable in Queensland, to whompayable, amount and signature of payee plus receipt number. This list has a number of bank slips attached to it and is arranged in lexicographical order within pay district, Allard(Brisbane) to Kirkup (Hobart).
Folder 2 contains folio handwritten pay lists by month forS.S."Brittanic" dated 1st.November 1901 - 30th.June 1901. The lists are marked "duplicate" and give name of member, number, rank, signature and details of payments, with some remarks. Enclosed in some of the lists are vouchers for receipts of public disbursements and other pay adjustment slips.This list is arranged numerically by paynumber from 600 Graham to 675 Dutton.
Folder 3 contains folio handwritten pay lists marked "duplicate" for S.S."Harlech Castle" for the period 24th.October 1901 - 30th.June 1902. The contents are the same as for folder 2.This list is arranged numerically by paynumber from 676 Crichton to 693 Farrell.
Folder 4 contains a folio handwritten "Copy Instruction roll details per S.S."Brittanic" 18th.August 1901." It gives rank, name and number, battery or company drawn from, total rate of pay, rate payable in South Africa and how balance disposed of.Red ink and pencil remarks have been added to the list which is arranged numerically by paynumber from 600 Echlin to 675 Davidson.
Folder 5 contains folio handwritten "Instruction roll details for 5th. and 6th. Q.I.B." It gives regimental number, rank and name, total rate of pay, rate payable in South Africa, how balancedisposed of and remarks.This list has "duplicate" stamped on the front cover and is arranged numerically by paynumber 600 Graham to 675 Dutton.
Folder 6 contains a folio handwritten "Original instruction roll of officers and N.C.O.s of the 6th. Imperial Bushmen". It gives rank and name, company and total rate of pay,amount payable in South Africa, how balance disposed of, signature and remarks.This list has no apparent arrangement and also includes several attachments relating to pay adjustments. The first name is Tunbridge and the last name is Trask.
In 1983, this series of records was copied in full as part of the Australian Archives reprography program.
In 2017, the microfilm copy of this series was digitized and uploaded to National Archives of Australia RecordSearch database. The digital image can be viewed from the link provided at the following RecordSearch item entry:
Series no.
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Item title
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Item barcode
Paylists and pay instruction rolls for the Queensland Defence Force members who served in the Boer War
1901 - 1901
Temporary consignment B5161/8 was destroyed on 25 May 2017.
Temporary consignment B5161/12 was destroyed on 8 April 2021.