This series comprises the Broadcasting files of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board from 1956, transferred to and continued by the Postal and Telecommunications Department (subsequently the Department of Communications) in 1976 when that part of the Board's functions came under departmental control.
The files record aspects of Commonwealth control over Broadcasting. They are divided into four sub-groupings from which their respective files take their intial letter prefixes : A - Administrative, B - Broadcasting, FM - Frequency Modulation and T - Television. FrequencyModulation files have only FM as a full prefix but other groups take a second letter as part of theirs. The subjects dealt with include accounts, jury service, publications, authorisation, frequencies, and UHF translators.
The files are contained in standard Department of Communications, Postal and Telecommunications, and Australian Broadcasting Control Board covers. This series was superseded in 1981 by an annual single number series (CRS B3860) into which a large number of files in this series have been topnumbered.
Quantity in agency custody
c.20.00m held by agency