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Series details for: B3136
Series number
CD Chemical Defence reports, single number series
Accumulation dates
05 Jul 1943 - 31 Jan 1946
Contents dates
05 Jul 1943 - 31 Jan 1946
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Agency/person recording
  • 05 Jul 1943 - 31 Jan 1946
    CA 2554, Munitions Supply Board Research Laboratories (also known as Research Laboratories, Maribyrnong/ (from 1924) Munitions Supply Laboratories [Maribyrnong, Victoria])
  • 05 Jul 1943 - 31 Dec 1946
    CA 3403, Chemical Warfare Board/ (from 1931) Chemical Defence Board
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Apr 1994 -
    CA 7873, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Melbourne, Victoria
Quantity and location
  • 0.9 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
single number
Range of control symbols
1 - 98
Predominant physical format
Series note
This series consists of reneoed copies of chemical defence (Australia)  reports prepared by Research and Experimental Sections of the Chemical Defence Board at various locations including Maribyrnong, Innisfail and Proserpine.The reports describe chemical defence experiments and their  findings, analysing the latter. The reports may contain plans e.g. elevation, affected area, apparatus, shelters; graphs depicting analysis and dosages; or photographs of the area from the air, experimental sites, explosions, bombs, protective equipment and photographs of volunteers, showing the exposed bodyparts. All reports were classified as secret.
Most of the reports seem to have been initially registered in an  annual single number system with an alphabetical infix Z according to a purple stamp in the top right corner, giving the file number and the registering agency, i.e. "Munitions Supply Research Labs.", "Munitions Supply Labs." or "Chemical Defence Board". Each report is numbered and the archivalarrangement is by report number.
The reports are attached to a dark red sheet by stapling and show  "Secret" and declassification stamp in the appropriate cases on the frontpage.
The notes were prepared at different locations including Maribyrnong  (Chemical Defence Section of the Munitions Supply Laboratories), Innisfail, and Proserpine (experimental stations of the Chemical Defence Board). The inter-relationship of personnel makes it difficult to determine when the records were kept by the laboratories, and when by the Board, or whether theyserved both. The latter is the most likely.  

Related series
    B3137, CD Chemical Defence notes, single number series
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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