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Series details for: A4311
Series number
'Cumpston Collection' of documents relating to the history of Australian foreign policy
Accumulation dates
by 01 Jan 1960 - circa 31 Dec 1969
Contents dates
circa 01 Jan 1870 - 31 Dec 1969
Items in this series on RecordSearch

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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1969
    CA 18, Department of External Affairs [II], Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 24 Jul 1987 -
    CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office -
Quantity and location
  • 73.31 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Two number system according to box and position number imposed by the National Archives
Range of control symbols
1/1 - 781/15
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading

Series note for A4311

Function and purpose

In late 1959 Dr John Stanley Cumpston, a long-standing External Affairs employee, was appointed department historian to the then Department of External Affairs.  Dr Cumptson held this position until his retirement in 1969.  During this time, Dr Cumpston collected a large amount of material concerned with the Department and all aspects of the history of Australian foreign policy.  The records that Dr Cumpston collected for his research were gathered from the Department’s registered series, ‘private’ collections of Departmental staff and his own material.  These records were stored together in boxes by Dr Cumpston with no overall control system.

The collection comprises a large variety of records including Departmental files, bulletins, bound volumes, publications, treaties and agreements, assorted papers, newspaper clippings and typed and handwritten notes compiled by Dr Cumpston on various subjects.  The content of the records varies markedly, but Dr Cumpston seems to have been mainly concerned with Australia's perspective of world affairs and the range of her involvement in external affairs.  Content includes records on administrative arrangements for private visits to overseas posts, the post-war peace processes for both World War One and Two, sale of land in the New Hebrides from the late 1800s, Mawson’s 1929-31 expedition to the Antarctic, intelligence summaries and SEATO. There is also much emphasis on Australian involvement with her Pacific and Asian neighbours.  This is only a snapshot of the collection – interested researchers should consult the National Archives collection database RecordSearch for more information on the item titles contained within this series.

Following Dr Cumptson’s retirement, the records remained grouped together in boxes within the Department.  Prior to transfer to the National Archives, some of the items that could be tracked back to their original registered series were re-sorted into these series by Departmental staff.  In most instances however, the original context could not easily be ascertained, so the remaining items were grouped together as the ‘Cumpston collection’ and registered as series A4311 on transfer to the National Archives in 1979. 

On transfer to the National Archives in 1979, the only control over the collection was an incomplete system of box numbering imposed by staff in the Department’s Historical Section according to their order on the shelves.  A box contents list was only partially completed, and following transfer to the Archives the collection continued to be listed, arranged and described by both Departmental and Archives’ staff over the next 10 years, with boxes 695-769 roughly listed by a Department staff member in 1991. 

In the mid-1990s, a larger-scale project was undertaken by the Department of Foreign Affairs to better control the series.  During the mid to late 1990s, A4311 was withdrawn from the Archives’ custody and a small team from the Department of Foreign Affairs (the Controlling Agency) worked through the items in A4311 to list all the items at box level; sentence records of temporary value for destruction; separate groups of related records into new series; and re-integrate Department files belonging to other registered series back into their original series where this could be identified (see Related Series below for the full list of new and ‘originating’ series).  The remaining items comprise what’s left of series A4311. 

Since the ‘Cumpston collection’ was never properly controlled by Dr Cumpston or any subsequent Departmental staff, the National Archives has imposed a two-number control system on the series according to box and position number.  The first number denotes the number of the box in which the item was transferred into the Archives’ custody in 1979 (or subsequently); the second number denotes the position number of the item within the box.  For example, the third item originally in box number 20 is item control 20/3.  Where items comprise several parts which have been deemed worthy of separate registration, a third- number-part has been added after the position number, eg 20/3/1 for the first part of the third item from the 20th box. 

A box list detailing the contents of the majority of the items compiled between the late-1970s and 1980s can be requested (see series A4312). However, since this list was drafted extensive changes were made to the collection including a large-scale cull and re-arrangement by the Controlling Agency, so this list no longer accurately reflects the records and titles of the records in A4311.  Also, more records were added to this series after the list was created, so records contained in boxes 700-781 do not appear on this list (note that boxes 770-781 were transferred between 2005-2006).

There are copies of files of German origin covering the period 1929 to 1939, the originals of which were included in the collection but which have since been returned to the German Foreign Office. These items are registered on RecordSearch as items 102/1 – 102/7.  In addition, the collection includes copies of documents from SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization), some of which were subsequently removed and incorporated into SEATO series A9946, A9947, A9954 and A9955, although there are still some SEATO files in A4311.

Related legislation


Using the series

The researcher wishing to access records in the collection should first try a basic keyword search, ensuring that ‘A4311’ is entered into the Reference numbers field of the general Search & Retrieve part of RecordSearch. 

If this is unsuccessful, the researcher may like to consult the box list in A4312 and the Canberra Reading Room also holds copies of the original item lists.  If an item of interest is identified this way, note down the box number and to search for the item on RecordSearch enter the series ‘A4311’ into the Reference numbers field of the general Search & Retrieve part of RecordSearch, along with the box number followed by an asterix (ie a wildcard) – separate the series and box number by a comma and single space.  For example:


A4311, 691*

for items contained in box 691.  

This is the best way to search for items identified in the box lists, since they may now be registered on RecordSearch as a part of the box, eg the third item in box 691 would now be registered as 691/3.  This type of searching also ensures that any items from the box which have since been converted to other series are retrieved.

Language of material


Physical characteristics


System of arrangement and control

The National Archives has imposed a two-number control system on the series according to box and position number.  The first number denotes the number of the box in which the item was transferred into the Archives’ custody in 1979 (or subsequently); the second number denotes the position number of the item within the box. 

For example, the third item originally in box number 20 is now item control 20/3. 

Where items comprise several parts which have been deemed worthy of separate registration, a third number-part has been added after the position number, eg 20/3/1 for the first part of the third item from the 20th box. 

Where no box and position number was able to be discerned, a box and position number has been imposed by the National Archives and this has been recorded in the item note.

Relationships with other records

Ten boxes of the Cumpston Collection in A4311/0 were located in the Australian Archives, Victorian Office and appear to be connected to the Casey papers.

Between 1996 and 2001, a small team from the Controlling Agency withdrew and reviewed the entire series and as a consequence, various groups of records were split from the this series and added to new series created specifically for these records, or where identified, item’s that had originated from other Departmental series before Dr Cumpston removed them were re-sorted back into these series.

These various series include:

A434; A1066; A1067; A1068; A1838; A3312; A4351; A4355; A4640; A5466; A5467; A5468; A5475; A6006; A6237; A6238; A6530; A6537; A6740; A6768; A6779; A8600; A9367; A9368; A10301; A10302; A10322; A10323; A10324; A10345; A10350; A10356; A10468; A10553; A10563; A10570; A10576; A10601; A10607; A10716; A10617; A10618; A10619; A10671; A10679; A10812; A10817; A10821; A10838; A10847; A10848; A10870; A10911; A10912; A10913; A10915; A10916; A10917; A10927; A10943; A10948; A10950; A10951; A10952; A10953; A11344; A11370; A11382; A11386; A11526; A11530; A11531; A11546; A11547; A11548; A11549; A11576; A11581; A11585.

Finding aids

As at July 2008 all items in A4311 have been entered onto the National Archives collection database RecordSearch. 

Access conditions


Series history

The bulk of items within series A4311 were transferred to the National Archives in 1979.  During the late 1990s the Controlling Agency undertook a large-scale re-sentencing project to cull and better control the records contained in A4311.  This work involved refining the original box level lists; sentencing records of temporary value for destruction; separating groups of related records into new series; and re-integrating Department files belonging to other registered series back into their original series where this could be identified.

In 2005 and again in 2006, the Controlling agency located several more records belonging to series A4311 and these were transferred into the National Archives’ custody and added to RecordSearch.

Between 2006 and 2008 an Arrangement and Description project was undertaken to establish which records from A4311 had been returned into custody and update the item registrations on RecordSearch.  Items not previously registered on RecordSearch were also entered to enhance access to the collection.


Immediate source of acquisition


Custodial history

Subsequent to the records being transferred to the National Archives in 1979 the entire series was withdrawn by the Controlling Agency in the 1990s for re-sentencing resulting in some culling.  This large-scale re-sentencing project was conducted by the Controlling Agency within the National Archives’ Mitchell building.  Those items returned to the Archives in 2000-2001 were reorganised and the original box lists therefore may not accurately reflect the remaining items within A4311.

Quantity in agency custody


Disposal history


Publication note


Additional information


End notes




Related series
    A11850, File of correspondence relating to the Joint Court and land ownership in the New Hebrides
    A4312, List of contents of the 'Cumpston Collection' of documents relating to the history of Australian foreign policy - The item list in A4312 was created in 1974 to control A4311, but does not list all the items in A4311
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1962
    A3299, Dr J S Cumpston's collection of material about the history of the Department of External Affairs and its antecedents
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1969
    A4640, Volumes collected by Dr J.S. Cumpston containing records of proceedings of and background papers relating to Colonial and Imperial Conferences, Imperial War Cabinet Meetings and other overseas conferences
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 69 . Digital image charge: Large
  • 75 . Detailed access examination required
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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