Summary heading
Previous accession system transfers
Summary heading
Station files
Function and purpose
This series of files deals with specific aspects of the activities of the commercial television stations in Australia. By 1974, there were twenty five
files with pre-determined file titles raised on each station. The file titles are:
1 Technical and General
2 Technical Service Reports
3 Field Strength Surveys
4 Licence
5 Transfer of Licence
6 Agreements under the Act
7 Accounts
8 Community Service
9 Hours of Service
10 Religious Telecasts
11 Australian Content
12 Political Telecasts
13 Program Service
14 Advertising
15 Miscellaneous Reception Reports
16 Program Logs - Official Observations
17 Official Tests on Technical Equipment
18 Program Schedules
19 Program Information and Comments
20 Complaints
21 Press Complaints
22 Statutory Declarations made under Section 92 of the Act
23 Childrens Programmes
24 Operations
25 Shareholders Returns
The alphabetic component of the file registration is the alphabetic component of the station call sign.
As a purely temporary arrangement following the abolition of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board on 31 Dec. 1976 all staff of the old Board were established as a single Division of the Postal and Telecommunications Department; this Division was called for the time being the Broadcasting Planning and Regulatory Division by its Director, but in the Australian Government Directory of 1977 was named Broadcasting Engineering Services Division, CA 2259.
By c. March 1977 the need for the temporary arrangements had disappeared and the staff of the Broadcasting Planning and Regulatory Division had been appointed to either the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal or the Broadcasting Engineering Services Division Postal and Telecommunications Department. When this happened the Technical and General Technical Service Reports and Field Strength Surveys files were actioned by the Broadcasting Engineering Services Division and the remainder by the Broadcasting Tribunal, Melbourne.
With the closing of Programme Services Division series [in B2307] in December 1978, "Programmes" became entry "1" on the list of file titles in this series. As from that date, files with the numeric suffixes of I and 4 should contain all material dealing with licence renewal.
Related legislation
Using the series
Language of material
Physical characteristics
As files became too large a new file was opened with the same control symbol but given a sequential PART number. Some files were given the same PART number but to differentiate and control the separate file National Archives has imposed an alpha suffix to the PART number - for example where there are two files BCV/20 PART 2 the files have been renamed BCV/20 PART 2A and BCV/20 PART 2B.
System of arrangement and control
alpha-numeric with station call sign as prefix and numeric suffix denoting pre-determined file title [see note]
Relationships with other records
Previous series: B2307, files of papers relating to applications for renewal of commercial television station licences, alphabetical series, by 1960 to 1978 (programming)
Finding aids
Access conditions
Series history
Immediate source of acquisition
Custodial history
Quantity in agency custody
Disposal history
Publication note
Additional information
End notes