This series deals with all matters pertaining to industrial employer or employee organisations in all states, e.g. registration; rules; amendments to rules; eligibility; conditions; list of officers; elections up to 1957 ;. Each particular action request resulting in documentation except for detailed election information or exemption from compulsory membership after 1957 is listed on a cardboard sheet(s) on top of the file under a consecutive number rungiving subject matter and date.
Once the action is completed all documents are secured together with a triangular cardboard corneron the top left. The right corner gives the file number; state; consecutive number as on the list and also request number from 2101 , Register of Applications only from 1951 . The individual file items, some consisting of several folios, are numbered. The file itself is contained within two cardboard sheets with a linen covered tag attached to the top sheet and giving the file number; state, name of organisation; "File No." file part number if file consists of several parts ; "Folios Nos." the separately numbered items within each file .
As from 1957 applications for elections and exemptions from compulsory membership of an organisation were dealt with by raising B2096 "Request" files, annual single number series with "R" prefix. This series was discontinued in 1977. Then the exemption matters were taken over by the Tribunal Section and for election details B2103, "Election" files, annualsingle number series with "E" prefix, was started.
Mid-1977 a microfilming project was started for the current files of thisseries B2258 . Two copies are provided.
By legislation lists of members of organisations should be kept permanently. Some are on the file but others, due to the volume, are kept separately in B2094, Lists of members of organisations,
geographical series.
Quantity in agency custody
57.50m held by agency
Related series unregistered
Election paper files Election newspaper advertisement files Name index to organisation elections