This series consists of bound volumes of Conciliation and Arbitration Commission transcripts recording the proceedings and ruling in individual disputes cases. The series is created only for particular cases when the bulk of the transcript does not allow it to become a part of the relevant file in B206, Conciliation and Arbitration Commission disputes case files, annual singlenumber series with "C" prefix.
The transcripts are bound in hard cardboard covers and marked on the spine with the "C" file number to which it refers. In case of several volumes, the range of page numbers is included. Most important cases e.g. "Pastoral Industry Award 1965; National Wage Case 1966", are noted by name on the spine.
A small proportion of transcripts in this series are controlled by a single number with a 'T' prefix. The agency advises that these transcripts are held by the President of the Commission and generally relate to national wage test cases.
Related series unregistered
(1) Registers of Conciliation and Arbitration Commission case files,
annual single number series with 'C' prefix, 1957-
(2) Name/subject index to Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
case files, annual single number series with 'C' prefix, 1957