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Series details for: AWM100
Series number
Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam (Saigon) - Records of units under command
Accumulation dates
circa 01 Jul 1962 - circa 01 Jul 1973
Contents dates
circa 01 Jul 1962 - circa 01 Jul 1973
Items in this series on RecordSearch
No items from the series are on RecordSearch. Please contact the Australian War Memorial if you need assistance.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jul 1962 - 01 Jul 1973
    CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Jul 1962 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
System of arrangement/ control
Multiple number system with alphabetical prefix of person or unit
Predominant physical format
Series note

Series descriptive note

Series number


Series title

Headquarters Australian Forces Vietnam (Saigon) - Records of units under command

Series contents range

1 Jul 1962 – 1 Jul 1973


0 m

Access conditions

Subject to the Australian Archives Act (1983)

Agency controlling

Department of Defence

Custodial Agency

Australian War Memorial

Function and Provenance

Series AWM100 is now defunct. AWM100 was initially used as a general series incorporating the records of various units under command of Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam (Saigon). All previous contents have been relocated into new Series based on the respective individual units. See 'Series Links' below for a listing of these new series.

Australia's military involvement in the war in Vietnam lasted from 1962 to 1973, beginning with a small group (30) of training advisers in the Australian Army Training Team (AATTV). This commitment progressively grew to a Task Force consisting of three infantry battalions, an artillery regiment, an armoured squadron, a cavalry squadron and other supporting arms and services. The force, known as 1 Australian Task Force (1ATF), was located at Nui Dat in Phuoc Tuy Province, east of Saigon. This increase in force levels and the introduction of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) units required a larger joint service headquarters, and in May 1966 Headquarters Australian Forces Vietnam (HQ AFV) was formed. HQ AFV was located within the Free World Military Assistance Office (FWMAO) in Saigon while HQ 1ATF remained at Nui Dat.With the reduction in the Australian commitment beginning in 1969, HQ AFV was disbanded on 5 Mar 1972 and the remaining forces renamed the Australian Army Assistance Group, Vietnam (AAAGV), which were fully withdrawn by 1973.The records previously in this series were transferred from the Department of Defence to the Australian War Memorial between November 1981 and March 1982, as part of the major consignment of Australian Army records from the Vietnam War, and were accessioned as OW82/11. Headquarters formations were allocated their own individual series, ie, HQ AFV (AWM98), HQ 1 ATF (AWM103), and HQ 1 ALSG (AWM116). AWM100 was used as a general series to include the records of various units under command of HQ AFV. Between 1999 and 2004, all items in this Series were moved into new series, for each individual unit/formation. See 'Series Links' below for a listing of these new series.


The original Series 100 contained a mix of operational and administrative files from the headquarters and units under command. These have since been moved into the respective unit/formation series – refer to the list of Related Series below for details of the various Series utilized. The contents for these is described in the respective Series Note.

System of Arrangement and Control

Files retain the original Defence multi-number filing system, and where a file had no numbering they have been top numbered by systems imposed by the Memorial, the details of which can be found in the respective individual unit Series Note.

Using the Series

Refer to individual unit Series for access details.


AWM100 Series Dossier

Subsequent series
    AWM276, Records of the Australian Army Assistance Group Vietnam (AAAGV)
    AWM282, Records of the Defence and Military Attaches Australian Embassy Saigon
    AWM285, 17 Construction Squadron RAE (Royal Australian Engineers) Vietnam - Administrative Records
    AWM288, Records of 1 Armoured Regiment Vietnam
    AWM289, Records of Australian Army 161 (Independent) Reconnaissance Flight [161 (Indep) Recce Flt] - Vietnam
    AWM290, Records of the Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) - Vietnam, 1965-1972
    AWM291, Records of the Australian Forces Vietnam Provost Unit
    AWM292, Records of Assistant Director of Medical Services, Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam
    AWM293, Records of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV)
    AWM298, Records of 106 Field Workshop - Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (106 Fd Wksp RAEME)
    AWM302, Records of 8 Field Ambulance, Vietnam (8 Fd Amb)
    AWM303, Records of the 12th Field Regiment (12 Fd Regt) - Vietnam
    AWM304, Records of 1 Psychological Operations Unit (1 Psy Ops)
    AWM305, Records of 1 Australian Reinforcement Unit (1 ARU) - Vietnam
    AWM307, Records of Australian Force Vietnam Education Section (AFV Edn Sect)
    AWM308, Records of Detachment 30 Terminal Squadron (Det 30 Term Sqn) - Vietnam
    AWM309, Records of 102 Field Workshop (102 Fd Wksp) - Vietnam
    AWM310, Records of Australian Force Vietnam (AFV) Cash Office
    AWM311, Records of Australian Force Vietnam (AFV) Amenities Unit
    AWM312, Records of Detachment 11 Movement Control Group (Det 11 MC Gp) - Vietnam
    AWM313, Records of 1 Australian Field Hospital (1 Aust Fd Hosp) - Vietnam
    AWM314, Records of 1 Australian Civil Affairs Unit (1 Aust CA Unit)
    AWM316, Records of 55 Engineer Workshop and Park Squadron (EWPS) - Vietnam
    AWM317, Records of 5 Company Royal Australian Army Service Corps (RAASC), Vietnam
    AWM318, Records of 18 Company Royal Australian Army Service Corps (18 Coy RAASC)
    AWM319, Records of Headquarters 26 Transport Company Royal Australian Army Service Corps (HQ 26 Tpt Coy RAASC), Vietnam
    AWM320, Records of 1 Ordnance Field Park (1 OFP) - Vietnam
    AWM322, Records of 110 Signal Squadron (110 Sig Sqn)
    AWM327, Records of 198 Works Section (198 Wks Sect), Royal Australian Engineers, Vietnam
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1965 - 31 Dec 1972
    AWM104, Control series for records of formations and units of the Australian Army during the Vietnam War - Series AWM100 now defunct. Each unit now forms its own discrete series.
Related series
    AWM331, Department of Defence Control Registers - Defence Declassification Program - See series links for each unit under AWM100
  • Apr 1966 - Dec 1972
    AWM103, Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force (Nui Dat) records
  • 01 Apr 1966 - 05 Mar 1972
    AWM98, Records of Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam (Army Component)
Date registered
12 Jun 1990

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