This is a series of forms sandwiched between stiff covers and secured in the top left hand corner by a leather thong. Each bundle or volume is for a particular "class" of product for which a trade mark application has beem made. the classes being identified by a single number from 1 to 50. Within each class the forms or representations are arranged in chronological order, the most recent being on the "top" of the bundle.
Details shown on each form are as follows: Trademarks Act 1882; additional representation of trademark to accompany application for registration; name of applicant; number of application; date of application, class number; goods in respect of which registered (followed by a graphic representation of the trade mark); essential particulars of above trademark; disclaimers (if any).
This series is listed on consignment lists in class order showing the date range for each class group. It is possible to trace an item in this series from the register of trade marks (AP494/4) by reference to the class number shown in the register to identify the bundle or volume together with the date of the application. There is no alphabetical/name index.
AP476/5 was relocated from South Australia to the ACT in September 2021