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Series details for: AA1970/67
Series number
Commonwealth of Australia Parliamentary Debates (Hansards) for the Senate and House of Representatives
Accumulation dates
14 Jun 1917 - 12 Sep 1929
Contents dates
14 Jun 1917 - 12 Sep 1929
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 14 Jun 1917 - 12 Sep 1929
    CP 23, The Rt Hon Viscount Stanley Melbourne BRUCE CH, MC
Agency/person controlling
  • 14 Jun 1917 -
    CP 23, The Rt Hon Viscount Stanley Melbourne BRUCE CH, MC
Quantity and location
  • 2.88 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Single number system imposed by National Archives
Range of control symbols
1 - 41
Predominant physical format
Series note
This series consists of Stanley Melbourne Bruce’s personal collection of bound Parliamentary Debates (Hansards) for the Commonwealth Senate and House of Representatives.  The series contains volumes 82-121, covering the 7th Parliament, 1st Session to the 11th Parliament, 1st Session, Second Period (14 June 1917 – 12 September 1929).  ‘Mr Bruce’ is embossed in gold on the spines of volumes 82 – 102 (items 1-21).

The Hansards date from shortly before Bruce became the federal member for Flinders (Victoria) in May 1918 to shortly before he lost his seat and the Prime Ministership in October 1929. 


Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
18 Feb 1970

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