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Series details for: AA1969/212
Series number
Correspondence files of John Grey Gorton as Minister for Education and Science
Accumulation dates
18 Dec 1963 - 28 Feb 1968
Contents dates
circa 01 Jan 1955 - 01 Feb 1968
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 18 Dec 1963 - 14 Dec 1966
  • 18 Dec 1963 - 28 Feb 1968
    CP 136, The Rt Hon Sir John Grey GORTON GCMG, AC, CH
  • 14 Dec 1966 - 28 Feb 1968
    CA 1196, Department of Education and Science, Central Office - MINISTER
Agency/person controlling
  • 18 Dec 1963 -
    CP 136, The Rt Hon Sir John Grey GORTON GCMG, AC, CH
Quantity and location
  • 5.75 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Single number system imposed by National Archives of Australia
Range of control symbols
[1] - [129]
Predominant physical format
Series note

This series consists of correspondence files maintained by John Grey Gorton while he was Minister for Education and Science (1966-1968). However, many of the files include papers dating from 1964, three years before the Department of Education and Science was created. In that period, Gorton was Minister-in-Charge of Commonwealth Activities in Education and Research within the Prime Minister’s Department.

The series relates to a period of major change in Commonwealth education policy and administration, including the creation of the department, development of various Commonwealth Scholarship schemes, establishment of colleges of advanced education, provision of science facilities in non-government schools, funding for research and other activities.

The files fall into five main categories:

1)      Education (general correspondence) A-Z – the papers in these files are arranged alphabetically by correspondent. They include representations by Ministers, Members of Parliament, educational organisations, related lobby groups and other persons on a wide range of matters. Many of the representations focus on Commonwealth Scholarship schemes, personal cases, state aid to independent schools, particular institutions, tertiary courses etc. The category includes files of correspondence with state Ministers of Education.

2)      Catholic, Anglican and Other Independent Schools – the papers in these files are arranged alphabetically by school. They relate specifically to the administration of grants for science facilities under the States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1965. There are generally two files for each state, one for schools allocated a grant and the other for those yet to be offered a grant.

3)      Tertiary Institutions – a small number of files include papers relating to a particular institution, eg Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Australian National University, Canberra College of Advanced Education, Queensland Institute of Technology (Toowoomba), Riverina University College.

4)      Committees and Other Organisations – this category includes individual files for the Advisory Committee on Educational Television Services, Australian Academy of Science, Australian-American Educational Foundation, Australian Research Grants Committee, Committee on the Future of Tertiary Education (Martin Committee), Committee on the Teaching Costs of Medical Hospitals (Gardiner Committee), Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Advanced Education, National Union of Australian University Students, NSW Teachers’ Federation, Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship Committee etc.

5)      Special Subjects – some files are concerned with a particular subject. These include academic salaries, adult education, Commonwealth Scholarship schemes, Kindergarten training centres, Siding Spring 15 inch telescope, teacher training, university residential accommodation, weights and measures etc.

The files may include Cabinet submissions, departmental memoranda, reports, press releases, speeches, publications and newscuttings as well as the correspondence. National Archives of Australia has imposed a single number system of control on the files since their transfer to archival custody in June 1969.

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 69 . Digital image charge: Large
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
09 Jun 1969

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