This accession consists of a single item - a typed transcript of evidence given at a hearing of the Public Works Committee regarding the Grading and Survey of the streets of Canberra, in February and March 1916. The persons giving evidence include Walter Burley Griffin. Others are A.F.Gilchrist, City Surveyor, Prahran; William Calder, Chairman of the Country Roads Board of Victoria; Percy Thomas Owen, Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs and John Thomas Hill Goodwin, Chief Surveyor and Estates Officer, Dept of Home Affiars.
This document is clearly a first draft. It is heavily annotated and bears instructions to the printer. A printed proof of the evidence can be found in item 1916/263 of the Committee's records (presently controlled as an Unserialised Accession AA1978/55) The number F2673 which appears on the document does not appear to bear any relationship to the control system used by the Committee and probably relates to control during the printing process itself.
There do not appoear to be any similar typed drafts among the material in AA1978/51 and it seems likely that this item has survived because of its association with Walter Burley griffin. The annotations on his evidence may well be in his hand.