This series consists of over 1000 microfilmed security intelligence files of diverse origin and content, most created by CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and many inherited from its predecessors, including CA 747, Investigation Branch (IB) and CA 650, Commonwealth Investigation Service (CIS).
The original files, from which this microfilm was made, appear to have been a loose collection of miscellaneous files, which were, at the time of microfilming, incidental to the centralised recordkeeping systems of ASIO Headquarters in Melbourne.
The records on the microfilm cover a wide range of subjects and persons investigated by these security intelligence agencies between 1920 and 1967, and are representative of several series of records created during this time, both by ASIO and pre ASIO agencies. Many records inherited by ASIO were either incorporated into their own recordkeeping system or simply added to (retaining their original control symbology) following transfer to ASIO post 1949.
Portions of series on this microfilm include:
[Roll 3/1] to [Roll 3/41] - Correspondence files, multiple number series - 65/9/- prefix [investigation of shipping?], created by CA 1297, ASIO, circa 1950 to 1963 (contents 1950-1967); items 65/9/619 to 65/9/690 with gaps [41 files]
[Roll 3/42] to [Roll 13/39], [Roll 21/4]? - Correspondence files, single number series with 'A' [organisation] prefix, created by CA 747, IB, circa 1920 to 1945 and CA 650, CIS, 1946 to 1951 (contents 1920-1961); items A34 to A1701, A1900? with gaps [269 files]
[Roll 13/40] to [Roll 17/33] - Correspondence files, single number series with '(T)SF' prefix, created by CA 1297, ASIO, circa 1950 to 1953 (contents 1939-1959); items (T)SF3 to (T)SF585 with gaps [152 files]
[Roll 17/34] to [Roll 17/65] - Correspondence files, single number series with 'PF' prefix, created by CA 1297, ASIO, circa 1949 to 1951 (contents 1940-1958); items PF132 to PF9684 with gaps [32 files]
[Roll 17/66] to [Roll 21/14] - Correspondence files, multiple number series with 'SF' prefix, created by CA 1297, ASIO, circa 1949 to 1952 (contents 1925-1952); items SF1/1/1 to SF1201/1/1Y with gaps [114 files]
[Roll 21/15] to [Roll 22/5] - CRS C1189 (see Related Series above)
[Roll 22/6] to [Roll 22/52] - Correspondence files, single number series with '(T)PF' prefix, created by CA 1297, ASIO, circa 1949 to 1952 (contents 1945-1966); items (T)PF101 to (T)PF2827 with gaps [47 files]
[Roll 22/53] - series CP573/2 (see Related Series above)
[Roll 22/54] to [Roll 22/59] - Correspondence files, single number series with 'MS' [?Most Secret] prefix, created by CA 747, IB, 1943 to 1945 and CA 650, CIS, 1946 to 1947 (contents 1942-1954); items MS239 to MS397 with gaps [6 files]
[Roll 22/60] to [Roll 22/61] - CRS A367 (see Related Series above)
[Roll 22/62] to [Roll 23/4] - CRS A369 (see Related Series above)
[Roll 23/5] to [Roll 23/7] - Correspondence files, single number series with 'D' prefix, created by CA 1297, ASIO, circa 1949 (contents 1949-1958), items D96038, D96084, D96365.
[Roll 23/8] to [Roll 24/64] - Correspondence files, unknown arrangement/control - HQ miscellaneous files, rejected applications - bag file POL F 220/1 (Supp), created by ASIO, circa 1949 to 1957 (contents 1944-1962) [262 'files']
[Roll 24/65] to [Roll 24/152] - Correspondence files, single number series with 'HQT' prefix, created by ASIO, circa 1951 to 1967 (contents 1942-1967); items HQT38 to HQT1396 with gaps [88 files]
System of Arrangement and Control
There are about 14 separate series of records represented on this microfilm which appear to have been filmed in some sort of sequence (see Function and Content above). The microfilm does not identify the series, but identifies each item by its original item control symbol.
Archives imposed a simple system of control for all 'files', reflecting their original arrangement on the film, so that copies of individual files could be separately identified, arranged, described, controlled and made accessible to the public (see Series History).
Each file is given the roll number on which it appears, as well as a single number reflecting its position on the roll itself, eg [Roll 3/5] is the fifth file on film number 3. The original item control symbol which is given on the film now appears as an alternative item control symbol on the item level database, along with the relevant film number, eg Roll 3 65/9/627.
Finding Aids
All items in this series in the custody of National Archives as at August 1998 have been entered onto the item level database, ANGAM II.
The original files from which this microfilm was made were evidently destroyed following the completion of the microfilming process in March 1968 (see CRS A9106).
Film numbers 3 to 24 inclusive (master and copy) were transferred to Archives in October 1993 following the transfer a year earlier of a paper copy of the microfilm register (CRS A9106) with which ASIO controlled the contents of the film. It is not known where film numbers 1 and 2 are located or if they still exist. The files on the film were indexed by ASIO in CRS A9106 under film and meter number, but this method was not precise because counter/register devices on microfilm readers vary.
Following transfer of the register (CRS A9106), and then the film itself to archival custody, the number of public requests for access to the record material on the film increased. To aid accessibility and facilitate access examination of the records under the Archives Act 1983, Archives created two paper copies of the film: one, an exact copy of the film, and two, a public reference copy which may contain exemptions under s33 of the Archives Act 1983.
Related series unregistered
Various ASIO correspondence series (see full note), 1949 - 1967
Correspondence files, single number series with 'A' [Organisation] prefix, CA 747, Investigation Branch and CA 650, Commonwealth Investigation Service, 1943 to 1951
Correspondence files, single number series with 'MS' [?Most Secret] prefix, CA 747, Investigation Branch and CA 650, Commonwealth Investigation Service, 1943 to 1947