The series comprises bound volumes of the minutes of the meetings of the National Capital Planning Committee which was established by section 25 of the National Capital Development Commission Act 1957 to advise the Commission as to the planning, development and construction of the City of Canberra.
Meetings were chaired by the Commissioner and were held as required.
The volumes are blue in colour with a darker blue coloured spine and corners and the item title printed in gold coloured type on the spine.
The contents comprise meeting agenda, minutes and discussion papers which are numbered with document numbers.
At the 188th meeting in 1983, dates were set for meetings in 1984 but apparently did not proceed.
Mr Daryl Powell, an officer of the ACT Planning Authority and the former Publications Editor of the NCDC advises that 15-20 sets of minutes were produced in-house at NCDC but only 3 sets were bound (commercially). They are usually identified on the spine as being either series 1, 2 or 3. Each page of the series 1 set was either initialled or signed and dated by the Committee chairman as an accurate record, and hence, constitute the official record and agency policy.
After the demise of the NCDC in 1989 volumes were dispersed between: the Interim Territory Planning Authority located on the 6th level, Braddon Offices, 220 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon, ACT; the Registry on the 1st level of the same building; storage at 219 Northbourne Avenue; and the library of the National Capital Planning Authority, 10 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT.
Various meeting minutes and extracts of papers submitted to meetings can be found on meeting and/or subject files in CRS A1340, Correspondence files, annual single number series.