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Series details for: A8703
Series number
Film and sound recordings, multiple number series
Accumulation dates
16 Mar 1949 -
Contents dates
01 Jan 1937 -
Items in this series on RecordSearch

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Agency/person recording
  • 16 Mar 1949 -
    CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 16 Mar 1949 -
    CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.27 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Multiple number with occasional alphabetical prefixes and infixes; Single numbering imposed by NAA [up to 2009]
Range of control symbols
32/1/1 to N/O/198; [5] - [430] with gaps; B to TSV-U2-106 with gaps
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading

Film, video and sound recordings recorded by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)

Function and purpose

This series consist of film, video and sound recordings in various formats recorded by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) for a number of purposes since 1949.

The cine films include surveillance footage of events including:

* National Congresses and committee meetings of the Communist Party of Australia

* Meetings of the Eureka Youth League

* May Day and Labour Day marches

* Australian Soviet Friendship Society congresses

* The founding conference of the Revolutionary Socialist Alliance

* Meetings of the Waterside Workers Federation

The material also covers surveillance of individuals at various locations including:

* The Hands Off Cuba demonstration, Melbourne 1962

* Bondi Junction, NSW

* Manly Corso, NSW

* Taronga Park Zoo, NSW

The material was recorded for a variety of purposes, including training films, and for the 1954 Royal Commission on Espionage (CA1882) 

Related legislation


Using the series


Language of material


Physical characteristics

This series includes motion picture film and a set of VHS copies produced by the agency. Whilst in the custody of the NAA, the original VHS were copied as digital files. The films were copied onto Digital Betacam tape and VHS formats.

The Digital Betacam copies were copied further to VHS and DVD, while the digital files were copied to DVD copies.

A number of the NAA holdings of VHS created by ASIO have been compared to their film counterparts and it is apparent that they are copies of the films - not unique material in their own right. These copies are of very poor quality and are not always complete versions of the film content. More comparisons between the films and the VHS should be made; when the original film is available (and able to be copied) it should supersede these VHS. However, when no film item exists of a production these VHS should then be regarded as containing unique content. 

System of arrangement and control

The most common format for the control symbols is '32/1/*' (eg: 32/1/78). This extra number usually (though not always) delineates various components of the film (reversal, negative, release print etc) but on occasion it is used to separate out various elements of a production (eg: day 1, day 2, day 3) - Though this is the exception rather than the rule.

The film items also commonly have a volume attached eg. 32/1/23 Volume 1 originally appearing as 32/1/23.1.

Additionally a small number of items have alpha numeric control symbols or single numbers. This is due to NAA imposing control symbols on the first consignment received from ASIO and further information on this can be found in the A8703 Series notes on RecordSearch.

Dates as they appear in item titles have been standardised from various formats (ie 1.1.1970; 1/1/70 etc) to Numeric Day Month Numeric Year, ie 1 January 1900.

In the cases of organisation and state abbreviations they have been standardised to appear as the full expansion followed by the abbreviation in square brackets eg.  Communist Party of Australia [CPA], Eureka Youth League [EYL], South Australia [SA]

Relationships with other records

C5431 contains reference copies of Video, Digital File and DVD formats. There is a duplicate set of reference copies held in the ACT.

Finding aids


Access conditions


Series history




Immediate source of acquisition


Custodial history


Quantity in agency custody


Disposal history


Publication note


Additional information


End notes




Related series
  • 16 Mar 1949 -
    A6335, Miscellaneous security files inherited by the Australian Security Intelligence Organization
  • 16 Mar 1949 -
    A13828, Paper documents related to audiovisual items in A8703, Film and sound recordings, multiple number series.
  • 16 Mar 1949 -
    A6119, Personal files, alpha-numeric series
  • 16 Mar 1949 -
    A6122, Subject files, multiple number series
  • 01 Jan 1960 -
    A6126, Photocopies of microfilm copies of personal and subject files (CRS A6119 and CRS A6122)
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 79 . Wholly Audiovisual Series
Date registered
02 Aug 1991

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