Summary heading
Using the series
System of arrangement and control
Single number system imposed
upon the items by the Archives in 2001.
Finding aids
These items had no
intellectual controls imposed upon them before their transfer into the Archives’
custody. As a result there is no Controlling Series to record. However,
all items in this series have been registered on the Archives’ item level
database and are therefore readily accessible to all.
Series history
When A828 was first
registered as a series with the Archives in 1965 it contained records that were
created between 1882 and 1958 and was titled Colonial and Commonwealth Army
List. All of the records in the series had been held as library material by
the Department of Defence prior to their transfer into the Archives’ custody. Since
1965 those items in the series that were identified as having been previously
controlled by library catalogues were removed to another series, A1194. The small group of 12 items that remain in
A828 as at 3 April 2002 were never controlled under any library cataloguing system. These remaining items date only as far back
as 1940. As a result, mention of colonial army lists has been dropped from the
series title.