The series consists of camp records of German and Italian Prisoners-of-War interned in Australia
during the 1939-1945 war.
Each file is the record of a particular Prisoner-of-War. Each dossier includes details such as name, date and
place of birth, nationality, where captured, unit and rank, date of arrival and name of ship in Australia . Other personal particulars include name of spouse, trade
or profession etc. A photograph of the prisoner often holding a placard with what appears to be
an oficial army service number is included with most dossiers. Negatives of some photographs are included.
Some negatives have no identification and are in the incorrect file.
Some files contain details of the prisoner's employment, any disciplinary action received and complaints made by
the prisoner. There may also be extracts from letters written by the prisoner.
The series uses a single number system with a 'C' prefix.
For other information relating to Prisoners-of-War refer to the related series CRS A367, Correspondence files,
single number series with year prefix 1916-1927 and 'C' prefix 1927-1945. A367 contains other prisoner-of-war records
as well as dossiers for internees.
An alphabetical listing by surname of this series is available in the National Office Reading Room, Canberra.
All items in this series in the custody of the Australian Archives have been entered onto the ANGAM II database.
It appears that these file were handed to the Commonwealth Investigation Service in April 1951 by the Department
of the Army. The single numbers with 'C' prefix were imposed at this time. The records were to be kept in case any
of the prisoners who were security risks should apply for re-admission as immigrants. At present, there is
insufficient evidence to show which agency originally created the records.
Custodial History
The records now in this series were originally transferred to archives in September 1954 and were controlled
by accession series number CP259/1, up until their conversion to series A7919 in 1989.
A photographic negative is held in many of these items. Indicator 28 has been applied to a few of these items but
the majority of items with negatives do not have an indicator. A small number of negatives have been sent to cold
Follow up work is required to remove and conserve the bulk of the negatives.
Series converted from