This series contains microfilm copies of patrol reports (mainly of the Lake Kutubu region) that were collected by Mr Ivan F Champion.
Mr Champion was a Patrol Officer and Director of the Department of Native Affairs in Papua and New Guinea.
The original reports were loaned by Mr Champion to Australian Archives for microfilming in 1986.
The series consists of a single reel of microfilm created by Australian Archives ACT Region. Mr Ivan F. Champion was born in Port Moresby in 1904. He joined the Papuan Public Service in November 1923 as a clerk and became a Patrol Officer in May 1924. On retirement in 1964 he held the title of Senior Commissioner, Native Land Titles Commission. [1]
The period covered by the patrol reports in this series coincides with a period for which there is a gap in the records of CRS A7034, Papua New Guinea Patrol Reports, 1922-1955. It is very likely that the original reports reproduced in the microfilm should be part of CRS A7034.
When filming these reports "targets" were made identifying the reports as part of accession AS13/26. However this accession has been converted to the CRS system becoming CRS A7034. Should the original patrol reports in this microfilm series ever be transferred to archival custody, they will be examined for the likelihood of intersorting into the gaps in CRS A7034.
A typewritten list of the microfilm's content matter is enclosed with both the silver halide (preservation) copy and one of the three reference copies (copy No 1). SOURCES: [1] Encyclopedia of Papua and New Guinea 1 A-K Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua and New Guinea 1972. P.153 Champion Ivan Francis.