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Series details for: A7342
Series number
Photographs illustrating the history and functions of the Repatriation Commission and the Repatriation Departments since the end of the First World War
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1971
Contents dates
circa 1918 - 31 Dec 1971
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1971
    CA 16, Repatriation Department [I]
Agency/person controlling
  • 05 Oct 1976 -
    CA 2107, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 4.04 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Arranged by alphabetical prefix, according to subject, then numerically within each prefix.
Range of control symbols
A1 - [WH 17]
Predominant physical format
Series note
This series is a collection of photographs and negatives of
various sizes. The collection depicts the history and services provided by the Repatriation Commission and the Repatriation
Department. The photographs provide a record of the development in the design and production of artificial limbs and other aids for the assistance of the disabled. The various institutions maintained by the department for the care of ex-service men and women are also portrayed. Included in the series are two photograph albums titled "After : the Digger carries on" which provide a record of the demobilisation and rehabilitation of WWI ex-servicemen.
The series was transferred to Australian Archives from the custody of the Office of Australian War Graves in November 1980 and was
accessioned as AA 1980/695.
The series is arranged by subject with a letter prefix for each subject. Each item within the prefix is allocated a number. For example:
 A. Aids for Incapaciated.
 Items A1 - A41.
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1971
    A7341, Index for CRS A7342, photographs illustrating the history and functions of the Repatriation Commission and the Repatriation Departments since the end of the First World War
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 76 . Item charge: Photographic
Date registered
23 Sep 1987

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