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Series details for: A705
Series number
Correspondence files, multiple number (Melbourne) series (Primary numbers 1-323)
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1960
Contents dates
01 Jan 1912 - 31 Dec 1988
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1922 - 13 Nov 1939
    CA 778, Air Services Branch
  • 13 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1960
    CA 35, Department of Air, Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 30 Nov 1973 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
  • 06 Jul 1995 -
    CA 8138, Airservices Australia, Central Office - portion relating to civil aviation
Quantity and location
  • 791.06 metres held in ACT
  • 14.4 metres held in VIC
System of arrangement/ control
Three number (Primary numbers 1 - 323)
Range of control symbols
1/1/1 - 323/2/16
Predominant physical format
Series note

Function and purpose

This is the main correspondence file series used by the Royal Australian Air Force from 1922 to 1960 and, from 1922 to 1938, this included the area now known as Civil Aviation. The Royal Australian Air Force, created in 1921, initially used a file registration system based on the current army administration system. In 1922 they began this system which lasted (with only minor changes) until 1960.

The series covers such areas as general administration; technical and specialist areas; equipment procurement and disposal; personnel matters; leasing of land and buildings etc. The majority of files extant in this series cover the years 1940 onwards.

Files of this period are buff coloured, with Royal Australian Air Force printed on them. The secret files have a red band, about 4cm wide printed on the top and left hand side of the file cover. The later files are similar but have 'Department of Air' printed on the cover. The earlier files have no covers, being held together with a metal clip, or are in cardboard folders.

There where also a number of AT consignments which contained A705 (and A703) records. These were accessioned in the ACT before the CRS system was fully established and are as follows:

AT 1966/8 Correspondence files 1938 - 1958 3.24m
AT 1967/10 " " 1938 - 1958 3.96m
AT 1968/6 " " 1938 - 1958 5.22m
AT 1969/2 " " 1938 - 1958 1.08m
AT 1970/32 " " 1929 - 1960 45.18m
AT 1970/40 " " 1939 - 1960 1.80m
AT 1975/4 " " 1938 - 1958 1.26m
AT 1980/6 " " 1929 - 1960 8.82m
AT 1985/3 " " 1938 - 1953 1.80m
AT 1990/5 " " 1929 - 1960 18.72m
AT 2010/4 " " 1926 - 1960 83.88m

All of these consignments have now been converted to A705 consignments (with some portions converted to A703 consignments).

Related legislation

Using the series

Language of material

Physical characteristics

System of arrangement and control

Relationships with other records

Finding aids

Access conditions

Series history


Immediate source of acquisition

Custodial history

Quantity in agency custody

Disposal history

The series was culled under Disposal Schedule No.197 prior to transfer of the records to archival custody.However, in accordance with the direction on the disposal of 'Aged' files - reference Australian Archives Central Office file 89/839 - the extant portion of the series will now be retained permanently.

Consignments A705/2, A705/4, A705/5, A705/6, A705/7, A705/8, A705/9, A705/11, A705/12, A705/13 & A705/14 werewithdrawn to Defence in July 2018.

Consignment A705T1 was withdrawn permanently by the Department of Defence [III], Central Office for sentencing purposes of temporary records on the 18th July 2019.

Publication note

Additional information

End notes


Previous series
  • 01 Jan 1922
    A1195, Correspondence files, multiple number series, (Primary numbers 701-929)
Subsequent series
  • 01 Jan 1935
    A1196, Correspondence files, multiple number series [Class 501] [501-539] [Classified]
  • 01 Jan 1938
    B607, Correspondence files, multiple number series - - Civil Aviation file series
  • 01 Mar 1959
    A703, Correspondence files, multiple number series with occasional alphabetical prefixes and infixes [Canberra] - Primary numbers 400
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1940
    A5426, Subject index cards for CRS A705 correspondence files, multiple number (Melbourne) series (Primary numbers 1-323)
  • 01 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1960
    A2408, Subject Registration Booklets for Correspondence Files, multiple number (Melbourne) series, (Primary numbers 1-323)
  • 01 Jan 1935 - 31 Dec 1960
    A5428, Subject and nominal index cards for CRS A705 correspondence files,multiple number (Melbourne) series, (primary numbers 1 - 323)
  • 01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1960
    A5427, Subject index cards for CRS A705 correspondence files, multiple number (Melbourne) series (Primary numbers 1 - 323)
  • 01 Jan 1940 - 31 Dec 1959
    A5429, Subject and nominal index cards for CRS A705, correspondence files, multiple number (Melbourne) series, (primary numbers 1 - 323)
  • 01 Jan 1943 - 31 Dec 1960
    A5430, Subject index cards to files on training courses registered in CRS A705, correspondence files, multiple number (Melbourne) series, (primary numbers 1 - 323),
  • 01 Jan 1959 - 31 Dec 1960
    A4203, Catalogue to the Melbourne file series list of indexable headings for CRS A705, Correspondence files, multiple number [Melbourne] series and CRS A1196, Correspondence files, multiple number series [Class 501] [Classified]
Related series
  • 1922 - 31 Dec 1960
    A14464, RAAF [Australian Air] Publications
  • 01 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1951
    MP274/5, Ground Engineers' Licence files
  • 01 Jan 1922 - 01 Mar 1959
    A9300, RAAF Officers Personnel files, 1921-1948
  • 01 Jan 1922 - 01 Mar 1959
    A9301, RAAF Personnel files of Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and other ranks, 1921-1948
  • 17 Sep 1926 - 31 Dec 1960
    A9716, Acquisition and operational files of the RAAF Directorate of Works and Buildings and Engineer Intelligence Section, single number series
  • 01 Jan 1935 - 31 Dec 1960
    A1196, Correspondence files, multiple number series [Class 501] [501-539] [Classified]
  • 01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1946
    AWM138, Historical records of the Empire Air Training Scheme
  • 22 Feb 1945 - 10 Jun 1948
    A11986, Agenda and Minutes of the Aviation Radio Research Committee as collected by Sir Frederick White - for records relating to Aviation Radio Research Committee correspondence between the Chief of Air Staff and the Directorate of Telecommunications and Radar
  • 01 Jan 1964 - 31 Dec 1964
    A2499, Folders of Survey Flight Material, single number system - - contents 1919 - 1937
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 89 . Digital image charge: Small-Medium
Date registered
01 Sep 1967

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