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Series details for: A6919
Series number
Aerial photographs, South Vietnam, 1967
Accumulation dates
01 Feb 1967 - 31 Mar 1967
Items in this series on RecordSearch
No items from the series are on RecordSearch. Please contact the National Reference Service if you need assistance.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Feb 1967 - 31 Mar 1967
    CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Dec 1973 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
System of arrangement/ control
By Survey, Run and Photograph numbers; with exceptions
Range of control symbols
SVY AM1746, Run 0001, Photograph 001 to SVY AM2967, Photograph 061 [no `Run` numbers for this survey]
Predominant physical format
Series note
The vertical aerial photographs forming this series appear to have been taken for general topographic study and/or mapping purposes by the United States Air Force. They include two surveys comprising of 272 and 16 photographs taken on 7 February 1967 and 14 March 1967 respectively. Photographs of the first survey are duplicated.  

Neither the photographs nor their containers are titled or otherwise marked to indicate which areas are depicted. Nevertheless, a
comparison of some photographs from these two surveys with those of the identified photographs in Series CRS A6830 suggests that they generally cover the Nui Dat - Baria area, and the area to the Northwest of Baria. However, due to the differences in aircraft positions and angles, the four year time gap between the two
series of photographs, and the similarity of much of the terrain in South Vietnam expert confirmation is essential for validation.  

The duplicated photographs from the February survey are stored in numerical sequence by sets in two boxes which probably held the photographic paper used to produce them, while the 16 photographs of the March survey were found in a large manila envelope. None of these containers show any marks to suggest their 'Australian' source, or the existence of other accumulations of such aerial photographs. It is however more than likely that further sets of aerial photographs will be located in Defence/Service establishments in due course.

Quantity in agency custody

0.35 m; held by CA 46, Department of Defence, Office of the Chief of the General Staff
Related series
  • 01 Jan 1967 - 31 Dec 1967
    A6830, Aerial photographs of Phuoc Tuy Province and Vung Tau areas of South Vietnam, 1971 - Earlier set of photographs of the same general area
  • 01 Jan 1971 - 31 Dec 1971
    A6830, Aerial photographs of Phuoc Tuy Province and Vung Tau areas of South Vietnam, 1971
Date registered
15 Dec 1987

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