This series is composed of black and white negatives and prints of diplomats which were forwarded to the Pictorial Library by the Department of External Affairs and after 9 November 1970 by the Department of Foreign Affairs. The main system of arrangement and control is the single number which is allocated to a diplomat as the portrait prints/negatives are registered by thePictorial Library. This single number system did not alter when the prefix changed from EA (External Affairs) to FA (Foreign Affairs). The numerical suffixes indicate different negatives/prints of the diplomat e.g. FA1719/1 - Self FA1719/2 - Self and family.
For some there might only be one negative/print; for others several. These negatives/prints are of various sizes, and are held in semi-transparent bags (10x12cm) with the negative/print number in the right hand corner.
The Public Affairs Branch of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade assumed control of this series following the abolition of CA 6785, Australian Overseas Information Service on 7 March 1994.
Quantity in agency custody
0.77m held by CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office