This series represents a consolidation of all the previous Commerce and Agriculture Multiple Number Series Correspondence Files, which formed four separate series and were introduced when the Department of Commerce and Agriculture came into existence. The series were the "A" prefix series (Administration), 1943 (Apr.) - 1948 (Dec.), the "M" prefix series (Marketing), 1943(Feb.)-1953(Mar.), the "R" prefix series (Research and Reconstruction) 1943(Apr.)- 1953(Nov.), and the "P" prefix series (Agricultural Production) 1943(Feb.)-1950(Apr.), CRS A609 was introduced shortly before the cessation of the "A" prefix series.
Subsequently, when the "M", "R", and "P" series ended, the files still in use in these series were top-numbered into A609. The files in the series are manilla folders with the number, the title, and the movement of each file recorded on the file cover. Reports, correspondence, addenda, minute papers, statistics, Cabinet Submissions and press cuttings comprise a large part of the series. The matters dealt with are extensive and include such general topics as marketing arrangements and contracts, the shipping and transport of agricultural produce, research into agricultural production in Australia, agricultural produce for foreign aid, techniques of agricultural production, and the administrative aspects of agricultural production.
More specifically, the series deals with such subjects as the Australian Dairy Produce Board (recommendations of the Board, the salaries, fees and election of its members, and Annual Reports), the Australian Meat Board and the Meat Export Control Act 1935/46, the Stud Sheep Embargo on Exports Policy and the Embargo on the Export of Merino Semen, stock route development plans, air transport of beef - Northern Queensland, Northern Australian development, the Kimberley Beef Development, the export of woollen goods, wool/textile mills, the Dollar Receipts Committee, the Dollar Export Organisation, the Commonwealth Conference on the Dollar Problem, London 1949, exchange, control of wool exports - dollar markets, economic assistance to South and South-East Asia, and commodities tariff revision.