This series consists of 127 celluloid negatives of photographs taken by F.E. Williams in his capacity of Government Anthropologist. All were originally wrapped in paper on which identifying detail was written. The classification was written on the wrapper and also in white pencil on the negative. Every detail on the wrapper has been transcribed to the inventory.
The range of subjects is indicated by the classifications i.e. A - Ethnology, B - Geography, C - Administration etc. Thus AFS means "Ethnology - Material Culture (none- personal) - Weapons", and CH means "Administration - Interpreters". There are also five pieces of film strip (numbers (402) - (406).
In 1991 the Reprographic Section of Australian Archives ACT Regional Office produced 3 sets of duplicate negatives and 3 sets of reference prints, thus enabling the original items to receive conservation treatment.
Related series unregistered
Classified prints of photographs relating to Papua and New Guinea
c 1904-1954 (see CP 802/1)
Unclassified prints of photographs relating to Papua and New Guinea
c 1946-1953 (see CP 802/2)
Prints of photographs taken by Strickland Patrol June 1954 (see