This series consists of prints of aerial photographs taken using a RC 9 camera. The photography was done either by National Mapping or by private contractors. In some cases, rather than re-do work already covered by other authorities (eg. State Survey Offices), photographs produced by those authorities have been included in this series. Three sets of prints were produced as follows: a field set, an office set, and a library set. One of these sets, usually but not invariably the office set, has control points marked on it for plotting purposes and this set is to be kept permanently.
Prints from this series can easily be identified by the scale and the prefix to the film number, both of which are found on the title strip for each print. The prefixes to the film number designate the state, are as follows: CAB (Qld), CAC (NSW), CAD (Vic), CAE (SA), CAF (WA), CAG (NT). In some cases where a film is taken over a map sheet that covers two States the film prefix will indicate this (ie Vic/NSW CACD. Colour film numbers also indicate that the film has been flown in colour (ie CAB/C. a film flown in colour in Qld.).
The range of control symbols shown at entry 7 is notional, and is included to give an idea of the form of the numbers used. Note that the only components shown are those for area and sub-division, run numbers not being included. The range shown represents the most north-western and south-eastern sub-divisions respectively. The actual range of control symbols would have gaps, as not all areas of Australia (eg. parts of South Australia) were covered. The area of coverage and the arrangement of the grid system can be found (at March 1982) in the Division of National Mapping's leaflet number 8 - "Australia, Air Photographs".