This series consists of one binder containing roneoed copies of transcripts of press conferences, interviews and broadcasts given by the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, between April 1960 and November 1963. The transcripts appear to have been collected by his Press Secretary, some being media/political comment forwarded from overseas.
The transcripts are in chronological order. A contents list for the 1963 transcripts is located in front of the binder, and one for those dated 1960-1962 appears in the middle (between the 1963 and 1962 transcripts).
Typed labels are attached to many of the transcripts, listing the subjects covered. These range from Prime Ministers' Conferences in London, overseas visits, United Nations, Britain's entry into the Common Market, external affairs, domestic issues and include broadcasts for both the 1961 and 1963 elections.
The binder was transferred to archival custody by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in September 1980, and initially controlled under the accession number AA1980/507. The series description was revised as part of the Prime Ministers Papers' Project in December 2002.