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Series details for: A4489
Series number
Folder containing typescripts of papers discussing the Australian Government's attitude to the Dumbarton Oaks proposals for the United Nations
Accumulation dates
07 Oct 1944 - 31 May 1945
Contents dates
07 Oct 1944 - 31 May 1945
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1944 - 31 Dec 1944
    CA 18, Department of External Affairs [II], Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 24 Jul 1987 -
    CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.09 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
None - 1 item only
Range of control symbols
Nil - 1 item only
Predominant physical format
Series note
The series consists of a brown cardboard folder, in which are bound the original typescripts of papers discussing various aspects of the Dumbarton Oaks proposals for forming the United Nations. The papers have the following titles:
     1. The Dumbarton Oaks Plan (This discusses "the aspects of           the plan which have shown themselves to be controversial".);      2. Arrangements for the prevention and suppression of aggression;      3. Regional arrangements;
     4. The administrative aspects of the Dumbarton Oaks proposals;      5. The international court of justice and the rule of law;      6. The general attitude to be taken towards the Dumbarton Oaks           plan;
     7. The government of dependent territories;
     8. The importance of the economic phases of the Dumbarton Oaks           plan;
     9. Action to be taken by the nations of the British Commonwealth           on various questions;
     10. The Australian attitude on the question of the small nations;           and
     11. Memorandum of suggestions as to drafting.
The whole amounts to a set of position papers on the Dumbarton Oaks proposals, which makes a critical assessment of the plan and makes recommendations on Australia's attitude and policy. The final paper deals with suggested amendments to the draft UN Charter.
The inside back cover bears a label which reads: "Papers for San Francisco Conference - Sir Frederic W. Eggleton".
The Dumbarton Oaks meeting consisted of representatives of the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and China took place on October 7, 1944. It drew up a draft for the United Nations charter, which was discussed and a final version ratified at the San Francisco Conference, April-May 1945.
Eggleton was a member of the Australian delegation to the San Francisco Conference.

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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