This series is the first main file series of the Australian Mission in Batavia.
The series is arranged in a multiple number system with subject classifications. There are twenty-two major headings dealing with all matters encountered in the business of the Mission as follows:
1. Australian Consulate-General
2. Communications
3. Immigration into Australia
4. Nationality (Australian)
5. Protection of Australians in Netherlands East Indies
6. Information from Australia
7. Netherlands East Indies
8. Trade with Netherlands East Indies
9. Australia - relations with other countries
10. Immigration into Netherlands East Indies
11. Information to Australia
12. Miscellaneous
13. Meteorology
14. New Guinea
15. Indonesia - Republic of
16. United States of Indonesia
17. South Seas Regional Commission
18. British shipping
19. Passports
20. United Nations
21. Singapore
22. South East Asia
The series was created sometime after the establishment of the Mission, though it was certainly in existence by September 1946 following the arrival of B C Ballard as the Australian Political Representative in August (see CA 2742 note). There is evidence amongst extant files of this series of topnumbering into this first system from earlier records created by the Australian Political Representative dating from 1945. Files continued to be raised in this series until it was replaced by the second filing system (series A4357) around 1948. Many files from the first system were topnumbered into the second system. Some files, however, continued to be created within this first system up until about October 1950.
All items in this series in the custody of Archives as at March 2000 have been entered onto the item level database.