The files designated 'Non-Government Organisation files' are files containing and dealing with submissions for grants from the International Women's Year allocation from organisations and individuals. In general, the files contain a copy of the submission (original usually), subsequent correspondence including some with Government agencies when appropriate and record of action taken, including the letter of notification of rejection or funding.
The files (and submissions) are numbered in one sequence in approximate chronological order by date of receipt of the submission. There is also a classification scheme marked on the files which was not apparently used to control the files. The submissions were classified according to the type of project for which funds were sought. The six categories were:
1 centres
2 community projects
3 conferences
4 cultural activities
5 education
6 research projects
There were further sub-divisions within the categories indicated by letters, ie 1(A) - 1(J). Examples of sub-divisions include:
- exhibitions or film festivals under Cultural Activities; and
- crisis or health centres under Centres.
These classifications are indicated by number and letter on the file covers together with 'F' for 'funded' or 'R' for 'rejected'. The projects seeking funds extended from alterations and improvements to buildings to publications, holding conferences, seminars, festivals and setting up memorials.
Many of the files of submissions from Women's Movement groups contain supplementary material such as newsletters, drafts of publications, catalogues from exhibitions, programs of festivals, and play and film scripts.
The files have a single number with a 'W/NGO' or 'NGO' prefix. The prefixes have been used interchangeably throughout the series but this has not affected the run of numbers. The consignment list shows the file numbers as having 'NGO' prefix only.
Files previously in CRS A4219, Non-Government Organisation files, alphabetical series with 'W/NGO 383' (Women's/Non-Government Organisations) prefix, have been incorporated into this series as they were part of the original order of control.
In the absence of a control record, the agency will be using the consignment list as a finding aid for retrieval of their records.