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Series details for: A2109
Series number
Maps of Trafficability, Construction Materials and Route Studies - AMS [Army Map Service] L571 Series, Korea
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1950 - 31 Dec 1950
Contents dates
01 Jan 1950 -
Items in this series on RecordSearch
No items from the series are on RecordSearch. Please contact the National Reference Service if you need assistance.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1950 - 31 Dec 1950
    CA 1335, Commander-in-Chief, British Commonwealth Forces in Korea
Agency/person controlling
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.09 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Single Number Numerical
Range of control symbols
6426 I - 6527 IV Subject to Review
Predominant physical format
Related series
    A2110, Engineer Intelligence Study (EIS) Series
Date registered
02 Oct 1987

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