The press cuttings in this volume document the succession of Harold Edward
Holt to the position of Prime Minister in January 1966, following the
retirement of Sir Robert Menzies.
The cuttings relate to Holt's wife (Mrs Zara Holt) and family, his policies
and leisure pursuits, overseas visitors, decimal currency, Vietnam, Menzies and
the Deputy Leadership of the Liberal Party, and include an interview with John
Bennetts (The Age). They are mainly from Australian newspapers,
including the Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Mirror, Financial
Review, Canberra Times, Sydney Sun and The Age. Most
of the cuttings include photographs and some are political cartoons. A smaller
number of cuttings are from overseas newspapers, including the Illustrated
London News and the New York Times (Australian News and Information
Bureau copies). It has not been established who maintained the volume, which
was transferred to archival custody in April 1968.