This series consists of Western Australian Fine Arts Copyright Files from 1896 to 1907.
The series consists of files containing the registration and, in most cases, the exhibit of each fine art work lodged for copyright. The items in it correspond to K17 Volume I Section 2, a copy of which is held in the Item Lists with this series. Items are numbered 1 - 252 (with gaps). The registration forms - Form of Requiring Entry of Proprietorship under Part III (Paintings, Drawings, &c) - show the name and address of the proprietor or author; a description of the work; date of first publication; if exhibit copies were deposited and if so, what they were. There is no additional correspondence in these files, but some items have notes on them referring to correspondence.
The series consists almost entirely of photographs, though there are important sets of post cards as well as some engravings, and a billboard sized poster. Caves were a popular subject for photographers. The Caves Board of Western Australia has several sets, some of which unfortunately, have faded quite badly.
There are several small sets of photographs of Aboriginal people taken by Daisy Bates.
During a large project undertaken by A & D of the Copyright material, a listing of all items was prepared. It was discovered that the Western Australian Regional Office held the 'Register of Copyright of Fine Arts' [with Index]. A copy of this register was obtained and is held with the listing.