This series consists of one box of files containing copies of correspondence relating to a small number of registrations documented in series A2389. The items have a single number arrangement with a 'B' suffix, ranging from 564B to 11480B, with gaps. In some cases the files contain the registration forms as well, with numbers following on from the registrations bound in A2387.
Most correspondence related to matters such as the subsequent assignment of copyright to another party, the procedure necessary to make a formal registration where information such as place of publication was omitted from the original form and letters of certification of copyright registration. A few contain copies of liquidation agreements as well. In a few other cases the exhibit is also present and exhibits of other items are in series A1786.
Many of the files in this series date from well beyond when this series should have been completed but this is due to the later assignment of copyright from Victorian copyright rather than Commonwealth copyright which took over in 1907.
All items extant in the custody of National Archives as at July 1997 have been entered onto the item level database.