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Series details for: A1488
Series number
Correspondence, copies of citations and newspaper clippings verifying Viscount Stanley Melbourne Bruce's honorary degrees and freedom of cities
Accumulation dates
Jan 1967 - Feb 1967
Contents dates
1923 - Feb 1967
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • Jan 1967 - Feb 1967
    CP 23, The Rt Hon Viscount Stanley Melbourne BRUCE CH, MC
Agency/person controlling
  • Jan 1967 -
    CP 23, The Rt Hon Viscount Stanley Melbourne BRUCE CH, MC
Quantity and location
  • 0.45 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
One item only
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading

Function and purpose

This series, consisting of one item, comprises copies of citations and newspaper clippings, and some correspondence, concerning honorary degrees and freedom of cities conferred upon Viscount Stanley Melbourne Bruce throughout his career.  These documents appear to have been accumulated by Bruce’s private secretary, Mrs Nora E Roberts, in early 1967 (the year of Bruce’s death) as verification of Bruce having received these honours.  A list compiled in 1967 sets out the honorary degrees received (Cambridge 1923, Edinburgh 1923, Oxford 1926, Toronto 1927, Leeds 1937, Glasgow 1947, and St Andrews 1955) and freedom of cities (London 1923, Sheffield 1923, Manchester 1926, Edinburgh 1926, Kidderminster 1926, Stoke-on-Trent 1926, Exeter 1926 and Canterbury 1926).

Documents are included on all of these honours excepting Kidderminster (a note indicates that a copy of the Kidderminster citation had not been received as at 6 February 1967).  Documents vary from copies of the text of speeches delivered at the conferring ceremonies, newspaper articles reporting on the ceremonies, extracts from city council minutes in which the honour conferred upon Bruce was tabled, to a letter to Mrs Nora E Roberts from the Lord Mayor’s Secretary, City of Stoke-on-Trent, in 1967 verifying the honour conferred on Bruce in 1926.

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Physical characteristics

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Series history


Immediate source of acquisition

Custodial history

Quantity in agency custody

Disposal history

Publication note

Additional information

End notes


Related series
  • 1923 - 1926
    M4254, Stanley Melbourne Bruce's collection of decorations, insignia, presentations and other objects
  • 1923 - 1946
    A1487, Folder of commissions, certificates, degrees, memberships and other official documents concerning Stanley Melbourne Bruce's career
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
02 Oct 1987

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