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Series details for: A14370
Series number
Howard Ministries – Cabinet Submissions, Memoranda and Minutes (decisions), annual single number series with ‘JH’ prefix
Accumulation dates
11 Mar 1996 - 03 Dec 2007
Contents dates
11 Mar 1996 - 03 Dec 2007
Items in this series on RecordSearch

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Agency/person recording
  • 11 Mar 1996 - 03 Dec 2007
    CA 1472, Cabinet Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 11 Mar 1996 -
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Quantity and location
  • 31.68 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Annual single number series
Range of control symbols
JH1996/1 -
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading

Series descriptive note

Function and purpose

This series consists of copies of Cabinet submissions, memoranda and minutes which record Cabinet’s decisions, relating to Prime Minister Howard’s terms in office as the 25th Prime Minister of Australia. The original submissions, memoranda and decisions are recorded on Cabinet file series, A14371.

Cabinet is the Australian Government’s highest decision making body. It’s decisions are given legal effect through formal ratification by the Executive Council. Discussion at Cabinet meetings is based on a formal business agenda of which submissions, memoranda and decisions, each dealing with a specific item, are the most important records. Broadly, the issues covered by Cabinet in A14370 and the related Cabinet file series A14371, include industrial relations and tax reforms, in particular introduction of a broad based consumption tax on goods and services; international relations and national security. Cabinet’s work is facilitated by a number of committees tasked with consideration of particular issues or matters of concern. By addressing areas of government policy or importance, these committees play an important role in the effectiveness of the Cabinet system, making decisions and reporting back to Cabinet. The number and nature of matters addressed by Cabinet committees reflect contemporary matters of concern to government and change over time.

Submissions or briefing papers are prepared specifically for Cabinet and circulated prior to Cabinet meetings by the Minister with administrative responsibility for the matter. Cabinet memoranda which include recommendations, allow for presentation of factual information or additional information specifically requested by Cabinet. Cabinet decisions are the formal record of decisions made by Cabinet on a particular issue. Decisions can be attached to submissions or memoranda, or Cabinet can make and record decisions which are not supported by either. These are referred to as ‘decisions without submission’. It is also the case that not all submissions and memoranda have a recorded decision.

Related legislation

Using the series

On transfer to the National Archives, the submissions, memoranda and decisions, are repackaged into acid free folders. Each folder or item contains all the documents relating to the annual single control number allocated by the Cabinet Office. This means that any single folder may contain a copy of a submission or a memorandum along with any attachments, and the minute papers recording any related decision or decisions. In the case of a decision without submission, the folder will only contain a copy of the minutes of the decision or decisions.

The repackaged records are described at item level on the National Archives database RecordSearch, and are searchable by number or word (name or topic). Each item is described by a control symbol followed by a description of the subject of the submission, memorandum or decision as relevant. For example

Item control symbol : JH1996/397

Item description: ‘Cabinet Submission JH96/0397 – 1996 – 1997 Budget – Defence portfolio major investment proposals – Decision JH96/0379/CAB’

Item control symbol : JH1996/409

Item description: ‘Cabinet Memorandum JH96/0409 – Industry Commission (IC) Report on Tourism Accommodation and Training – Decision JH96/0409/CAB’

Item control symbol: JH1997/291

Item description : ‘Cabinet Submission JH97/0291 – Options for the Youth Allowance package – No Decision’

Item control symbol : JH1996/404

Item description : ‘Cabinet Decision JH96/0404/AH – Community Medical Scholarships – Without Submission’

Language of material

Physical characteristics

System of arrangement and control

The submissions, memoranda and decisions in A14370 are controlled in an annual single number order allocated by the Cabinet Office.

Cabinet submissions and memoranda usually, but not always, have at least one decision recording the outcome of Cabinet deliberations in relation to the issue covered. At the same time there are many decisions which do not have a related submission or memorandum , but nevertheless constitute a formal record of Cabinet’s discussion, views or approach on a specific matter or issue. As for submissions and memoranda, every Cabinet decision without submission or memorandum is given a unique item control number within the annual single number system by the Cabinet Office and entered by the National Archives as a separate item on RecordSearch.

Cabinet decisions made in relation to a submission or memorandum are identified first by reference to the annual single number control symbol allocated to the submission or memorandum by the Cabinet Office and then by reference to the related administrative source or originator ie Cabinet or a specific Cabinet committee or matter. For example

Item control symbol : JH1997/293

Item description : ‘Cabinet Memorandum JH97/0293 – Draft Parliamentary programme for week 4 (2 to 5 June 1997) and variations to the 1997 Winter legislation programme – Decision JH97/0293/PB (“PB” standing for Parliamentary Business)

If Cabinet makes more than one decision in relation to a submission or memorandum, the Cabinet Office has added a consecutive single number to the decision’s control symbol. This generally indicates the order in which the decisions have been taken. For example

Item control symbol : JH1997/281

Item description : ‘Cabinet Submission JH97/0281 – New governance arrangements for government business enterprises – Decisions JH97/0281/CAB and JH97/0281/CAB/2 ’ (“CAB” standing for Cabinet)

However in some instances the National Archives has added a third consecutive number to the original control symbol allocated by the Cabinet Office. This modification to the original allocated control symbol allows for the separate identification and retrieval of a decision without submission which covers the same topic or subject as a submission or memorandum which has the same control symbol. For example

Item control symbol : JH1996/84/1

Item description : Cabinet Submission JH96/0084 – Airport regulatory and sale framework – Decision JH96/0084/CAB


Item control symbol: JH1996/84/2

Item description: Cabinet Decision JH96/0084/CAB/2 – Airport regulatory and sale framework – Without Submission

Cabinet decisions without submission are also controlled by the annual single number control symbol allocated by the Cabinet Office. For example

Item control symbol : JH1996/414

Item description : ‘Cabinet Decision JH96/0414/CAB – The employment link in superannuation – Without Submission’.

Relationships with other records

Finding aids

Access conditions

Series history


The copies of submissions, memoranda and decisions are being transferred progressively from the Cabinet Office, the recording agency, to the National Archives. The first transfer of 11.25 m of records from series A14370 occurred in 2015, 6.84m was transferred in 2018, 6.66 transferred in 2019, with the latest transfer occurring in 2021 of 6.03 m.

Immediate source of acquisition

Custodial history

Quantity in agency custody

Disposal history

Publication note

Additional information

End notes


Previous series
  • 11 Mar 1996
    A14217, Keating Ministries, Cabinet Submissions and Memoranda, single number series
  • 11 Mar 1996
    A14218, Keating Ministries, Cabinet Minutes, single number series
Related series
  • 11 Mar 1996 - 03 Dec 2007
    A14371, Howard Ministries - Cabinet files, annual single number series with ‘JH’ prefix
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 75 . Detailed access examination required
Date registered
04 May 2015

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