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Series details for: A12393
Series number
Working Papers relating to preparation of the Royal Commission's Reports, multiple number series
Accumulation dates
Feb 1976 - Apr 1977
Contents dates
1901 - 1977
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • Feb 1976 - Apr 1977
    CA 1907, Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security
Agency/person controlling
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Quantity and location
  • 7.56 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Multiple number series
Range of control symbols
1/1 to 8/17
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading


Function and purpose

 This series consists of working papers associated with the drafting of each of the Reports of the Royal Commission into Intelligence and Security.

There were eight reports:

Report No


Date Presented


Procedural matters 

24 March 1976


Security Vetting and the question of establishment of a Security Appeals Tribunal

24 March 1976


Intelligence Co-ordination Machinery

1 November 1976


ASIO (Australian Security and Intelligence Organization)

24 December 1976


ASIS (Australian Security and Intelligence Service)

24 December 1976


DSD (Defence Signals Directorate)

21 April 1977


History of Australian Intelligence and Security Services

21 April 1977


Disposal and Subsequent Use of RCIS Records

21 April 1977

The following details of the drafting process provide a background to the accumulation of the records in this series and some details about the structure and process associated with each report. This material is summarised from descriptions of series HP1 to HP8 in Inventory of Records (CRS A12396).

First report

A draft was circulated before presentation of the final report

Second report

This report was prepared in accordance with the third of the Terms of Reference. It was given a priority in response to a suggestion that an early report on these matters would be welcomed by the Government. The first drafting was done during the Commissioner’s absence overseas in September to November 1975. A draft version was circulated before presentation of the final report.

Third report

This report relates to the second of the Terms of Reference. A preliminary draft was provided to the Prime Minister and departmental Secretary on about 18 August 1976. A slightly re-drafted version was circulated to heads of relevant department and agencies on 25 August 1976. Special hearings were held with representatives of Department of Defence on 29 September 1976 to discuss objections. (Items under primary number 6 in series CRS A8913 refer.)  The final report was present on 1 November 1976 and an abridgement of findings and recommendations was issued on 1 December 1976.

Fourth report

This report refers to the second and fourth Terms of Reference. An officer from the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization (ASIO) was seconded to assist in the drafting of this report. A draft fourth report ‘not finally settled’ was circulated on 27 October 1976 (see item 4/11 of this series). Relevant correspondence is on files 20/48 and 20/48/1 of series CRS A12381.

Fifth report

This report refers to second and fourth Terms of Reference. A draft fifth report ‘not finally settled’ was circulated on 20 October 1976 (see item 5/37 of this series). Relevant correspondence is on files 20/49 and 20/49/1 of series CRS A12381.

Sixth report

This report refers to second and fourth Terms of Reference. As a preliminary exercise (bearing also on the fourth report) the Royal Commission prepared in 1976 a paper for the Solicitor-General outlining the forms of communication interception carried out by Australian intelligence and security agencies, and obtained his opinion as to the legality of these (see items 6/1 and 6/2 in this series ). Work on the sixth report began in earnest on 27 October 1976 and a draft report was produced for comment on about 1 March 1977.

Seventh Report

This report refers to the first of the Terms of Reference. A consultant historian began work about February 1975 (see file EO/2/6 of series A12386). The contract ended on 31 May 1976 and a draft working version was produced from earlier drafts in November 1976 and was subsequently revised during a brief re-engagement of the consultant historian.

Eighth report

An archivist who was engaged to recommend action for the records of the Royal Commission wrote much of this report – a draft was circulated in March 1977 (file EO/1/40 of series A12386 refers).


System of arrangement and control

The records of this series are controlled by a multiple number system where the primary component is a numeric in range 1 to 8 representing each of the eight reports. 

The Inventory of Records (A12396) describes the collection of papers relating to the drafting of each report as a separate series. However this distinction has not been maintained in the serialisation by the Archives and they have been registered as one series in the CRS system with the imposition of this primary number in front of the existing control number for each item in the Inventory of Records. The second component (and third component where it occurs) is without a standardised structural ‘meaning’ and represents subject matters as they arose.

Custodial history

 Following the closure of the Royal Commission in 1977 the records were transferred to the custody of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (in Canberra) where they remained until transferred to National Archives of Australia in 2001.

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 68 . Digital image charge: Standard
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
  • 75 . Detailed access examination required
Date registered
13 Jun 2002

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