This series consists of one large volume in which Literary Copyright Exhibits from the Colony of Victoria have been pasted onto the pages. The Commonwealth took over copyright matters in 1907. The exhibits are numbered 2B to 982B (with gaps) and date between 1870 and 1881. The exhibits are the same as those found in series A1786. There are also a few Trade Mark exhibits included.
It seems that it was the intention to keep some exhibits in large volumes, but as the volume became too heavy it was decided to keep all exhibits separate, and this volume was not used after 1881, but the series continued till 1911. (See Series A1786). There does not seem to have been any reason why some exhibits were pasted into this volume and some of a similar size were kept in envelopes.
The first pages of the volume contain an alphabetical index with the title cross referenced to a page number on which the exhibit is pasted.
During a project, undertaken by the Arrangement and Description Sub-section, the Copyright material in this series was entered onto the item level database, ANGAM II.
The volume is now to be viewed only with Conservation approval.
A preservation and digitisation project resulted in the volume being separated into sections. The sections comprise 2B-49B (15 items); 58B-82B (14 items); 81B-108B (12 items); 112B-192B (34 items); 193B-233B (15 items); 241B-284B (22 items); 285B-309B (15 items); 311B-329B (19 items); 333B-380B(38 items); 382B-447B (56 items); 450B-473B (20 items); 474B-530B (52 items); 536B-569B (26 items); 570B-599B (24 items); 600B-636B (28 items); 637B-676B (33 items); 677B-716B (25 items); 721B-782B & 838B (33 items); 783B-823B (33 items); 825B-925B (42 items); -982B ( items)
August 2012