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Series details for: A11049
Series number
'Australian War Crimes Board of Inquiry: Report on War Crimes committed by Enemy Subjects against Australians and others' [by Sir William Webb; known as the Third Webb Report ]
Accumulation dates
31 Jan 1946 - 31 Jan 1946
Contents dates
03 Sep 1945 - 31 Jan 1946
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Agency/person recording
  • 31 Jan 1946 - 31 Jan 1946
    CA 3865, Australian War Crimes Commission [II]
Agency/person controlling
  • 31 Jan 1946 -
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives
Quantity and location
  • 0.08 metres held in ACT
  • 0.9 metres held in NSW
  • 0.48 metres held in VIC
  • 0.18 metres held in WA
System of arrangement/ control
Numbered volumes
Range of control symbols
Volume 1 - Volume 2 Part 2
Predominant physical format
Series note

Items medium note

Function and purpose

This report, commonly referred to as the Third Webb Report, consists of 147 typescript pages and is organised as follows:

- Introduction - gives terms of reference, definition of war crime, rules of evidence, onus of proof and listing of crimes against Australians by UNWCC
- Work of this Board of Inquiry
- Powers and positions of Commissioners
- Laws of war - includes the common law of war, jurisdiction to punish breaches of this common law, the Hague Conventions, the Red Cross Convention and the Prisoners of War Convention
- The evidence - includes murder of surrendered personnel and conditions and specific offences in POW Camps
- Accounts given by particular witnesses
- Accounts by Army investigating officers
- Conclusions from the evidence
- Acknowledgement

Accompanying the report are two volumes of appendices (Volume 2 part 1 and 2) which are organised as follows;

- Australian War Crimes Commission questionaire - specimen of questionaire distributed to all repatriated Australian POWS and internees
- Index to witnesses - in alphabetical order
- Synopsis of evidence
- Evidence
- Exhibits

The original report is held by the Deapartment of the House of Representatives.

Series history

The original report and appendices were microfilmed by Archives in October 1998. A complete photocopy and the original were then returned to the House of Representatives. Microfilm copies of this series are held by the Archives.

For ease of public access, the microfilm version was digitised and is available online attached to the two item descriptions:

A11049, ROLL 1, Report on War Crimes committed by Enemy Subjects against Australians and others [by Sir William Webb - Volume 1 report, Volume 2 part 1 (portion) Appendices][copy], 1945-1946

A11049, ROLL 2, Report on War Crimes committed by Enemy Subjects against Australians and others [by Sir William Webb - Volume 2 part 1 (continued) and part 2 Appendices][copy], 1945-1946

The microfilm is no longer avaiable for public access.

Relationships with other records

A copy of the report (volume 1 only) is held by the Australian War Memorial - refer series AWM226, item 8.

Finding aids

All items of this series in the custody of the National Archives of Australia as at November 1998 have been entered onto the item level database.

Quantity in agency custody

Original and copies held by CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives, Central Office as at November 1998 (reference : House of Representatives, Record No. 5624, Volumes 1 and 2)

Disposal history

Temporary consignment A11049/5 (copy of the report) was destroyed on 2 June 2017.

End notes


Related series
    AWM226, Records of war crimes enquiries and trials, 1939-45 War
  • 31 Jan 1946 - 31 Jan 1946
    A10953, Unnumbered files of the Commission of Inquiry on War Crimes Committed by Enemy Subjects against Australians and Others
  • 31 Jan 1946 - 31 Jan 1946
    A6238, General correspondence files, single number series
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 32 . Not to be issued (reference copy available)
  • 76 . Item charge: Photographic
Date registered
24 Jul 1998

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