During the International Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957/1958, nations involved with the Antarctic agreed to set aside their political and legal differences to carry out scientific research in co-operation. The success of this initiative led to negotiations which culminated in the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959 by the twelve nations which maintained stations there during the IGY: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
The series consists of papers of the first conference held in Washington from 15 October - 30 November 1959, and includes a printed copy of the Treaty. Each document has a unique alphanumeric control as follows:
DOCUMENT1-DOCUMENT28 Papers presented at the conference
WP1-WP3 Working papers 1 to 3
DSC1 - DSC14 Reports of the Drafting Subcommittee
S1 - S2 PART 3 Reports of the Committee on Style
WSR1 - WSR7 Committee of the Whole Summary Record
W1 Report of the Committee of the Whole
IP1 - IP16 Committee I proposals 1 to 16
ISR1 - ISR11 Committee I summary records 1 to 11
IIP1 - IIP16 Committee II proposals 1 to 16
IISR1 - IISR9 Committee II summary records 1 to 9
Index Index
The item numbered IIP6 was tabled then cancelled and so is not extant.