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Item details for: A1209, 1975/2448
Double dissolution of Parliament - 11 November 1975
Contents date range
1975 - 1975
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A1209, 1975/2448
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
23 Aug 2006
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Summary heading

Display and access issues

Descriptive note

Not for general issue.  This is a nationally significant item.  Please leave indicator on it.

Used in Display:

Folio [106] was on display in NAA exhibition, Memory of a Nation, from 2008 to

Folio [106] Letter to Gough Whitlam from Sir John Kerr as Governor General, and Folios [120] – [117] Governor General, Sir John Kerr’s statement of events were on display in the ACT Schools Constitutional Convention 2009.  A different copy of  the letter from the speaker of the house on the Dismissal was used.

Folio [106] Letter to Gough Whitlam from Sir John Kerr as Governor General, Folio [196] Letter from the speaker of the house on the Dismissal and Folios [120] – [117] Governor General, Sir John Kerr’s statement of events were on display in the ACT Schools Constitutional Convention 2010.

Date registered
28 Feb 2005

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