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Item details for: A458, A306/1 PART 1
Armistice Day. To 1924. Pt. I
Contents date range
1919 - 1924
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
A306/1 PART 1
NAA: A458, A306/1 PART 1
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
19 May 1977
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Exhibition of Folios

Four folios from this item were folio-removed for exhibition in "Shellshocked: Australia after Armistice". These folios were [121] (sub-item barcode 30483459); [139] (copy item barcode 30029001 - this item was incorrectly registered as a copy item rather than a sub-item); [141] (sub-item barcode 30029002); and [142] (sub-item barcode 30029003. Folio [121]) was exhibited for a total period of approximately 21.5 months. Folios [139], [141] and [142] were exhibited for a total period of approximately 9.5 months. All folios have been returned to the parent file.

Visibility and availability indicators
9. Published or Exhibited
28. Refer to Preservation Services for advice
Date registered
12 Sep 1992

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