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Item details for: A12111, 1/1967/16/122
Immigration - Migrants in employment - Factory Production Italian women at the 'Golden Circle Cannery' in Queensland. The Golden Circle Cannery or Northgate, a suburb of Brisbane, handles 80% of Australia's pineapple crop; and many workers are migrants. Here are 5 former Italians and one migrant fro Poland: Mrs Elsa Antoloni, Mrs Maria Pasqualone, from Italy, Mrs Marie Plichta from Lemberg Poland, Mrs Elda Vascotte, Mrs Josephina Bennet nee Scipenzi and Mrs Eva D'Alessandro all from Italy.
Contents date range
1967 - 1967
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A12111, 1/1967/16/122
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
13 Feb 2004
Physical format
PHOTOGRAPHS (allocated at series level)
Visibility and availability indicators
76. Item charge: Photographic
Alternative series and control symbol
A12111, M5413/2
Date registered
09 Feb 2004

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