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Item details for: A452, 1958/3670
Albert Namatjira - Imprisonment of for alleged supply of liquor to Aborigines [150p]
Contents date range
1958 - 1961
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A452, 1958/3670
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
23 Oct 1992
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Items medium note

Summary heading

Used in display

Descriptive note

Subitem 30483756 was used in display from June 2011 to January 2012

Press release from Paul Hasluck, 18/05/1959, was displayed in Memory of a Nation from June-december 14 2015: 6974924

RS4 Press statement 19/09/1959 bc:32880020 was displayed in Memory of a Nation from December 14 2016-September 2017

Visibility and availability indicators
9. Published or Exhibited
Date registered
11 Feb 1997

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