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Item details for: A1, 1935/704
Test passages. Immigration Act 1901-33. File No.1. [Dictation test]
Contents date range
1923 - 1936
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A1, 1935/704
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
29 Sep 1976
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Items medium note

Summary heading

Used in exhibition

Descriptive note

Folios 60 and 66 were on display in ‘Memory of a Nation’ from January 2007 to May 2009.

Folios 67 and 68 were on display in ‘Memory of a Nation’ from May 2009 to August 2010.

Folios 69 and 70 were on display in ‘Memory of a Nation’ from August 2010 to Jan 2010

Folios 71 and 72 were on display in ‘Memory of a Nation’ from Jan 2011

Folios 78 & 79 on display in ‘Memory of a Nation’ from July 2012 to July 2013.

Folio 77 & 76 on display in Memory of a Nation from June 2015 to December 14 2016: 6974787 6974788

Folio 267 was displayed in the Immigration Customs Conference on 26/06/2015 barcode:06974935

Folio 80 & 81 were displayed in Memory of a Nation from 14 December 2016-Sept 2017: 32880046

Visibility and availability indicators
9. Published or Exhibited
Date registered
29 Oct 1998

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