Descriptive note
Newspaper articles and correspondence related to the ‘Caledon Bay killings’ and
subsequent events, and include references to such matters as the original
conflict between Aborigines and Japanese trepangers,
the despatch of the police expedition to apprehend the killers of the Japanese,
the spearing of Constable McColl at Woodah Island and
public reaction, the stationing of police at Groote Island Mission and rumours
of threats of attack on the Mission, with general comment on
Aboriginal-Japanese relations and punitive expeditions. Some articles include
photographs. So also A1,1933/7370; A1,1933/7632; A1,1933/8128; A1,1933,8459;
A1,1933/8668; 1933/9792; 1934/1141.
from Ros Fraser (compiler), ‘Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander People in Commonwealth Records: A Guide to Records in the
Australian Archives, ACT Regional Office, Canberra, 1993’. As the above text
was prepared to describe material relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, it may not describe all the material on the item.