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Item details for: A1336, 20609
AUTHOR Dorothy Coverdale Hammond : ADDRESS Sydney : TITLE OF WORK Country Women's Association of New South Wales Calendar of Puddings : TYPE OF WORK Literary Work : APPLICANT Dorothy Coverdale Hammond : DATE OF APPLICATION 29 Sept 1931 : DATE COPYRIGHT REGISTERED 2 Oct 1931 : WORK ENCLOSED? Yes RecordSearch p1
Contents date range
1930 - 1931
Series number
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Control symbol
NAA: A1336, 20609
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
30 Mar 1999
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Summary heading

Descriptive note

Calendar of Puddings to raise money for the Community was on display in exhibition, Disrupt, Persit Invent, from November 2022 to June 2023.

Visibility and availability indicators
9. Published or Exhibited
Date registered
30 Mar 1999

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