Title |
RAAF Directorate of Works and Buildings - Engineer Intelligence Section - Drafts supplied by DI Lieutenant FE Williams, Government Anthropologist, Papua, Allied Geographical Section, South West Pacific Area [Documents titled 'Relations with the Natives of New Guinea in Wartime', 'Getting about in New Guinea' and 'The Native Carrier'] |
Contents date range |
1942 - 1943 |
Series number |
A9716 Click to see which government agency or person created this item. |
Control symbol |
1566 |
Citation |
NAA: A9716, 1566 |
Item ID |
3091666 |
Location |
Canberra |
Access status |
Open |
Date of decision |
28 Aug 1997 |
Physical format |
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level) |
Visibility and availability indicators |
26. No issue outside the Archives - age related
Date registered |
31 Oct 1997 |