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Item details for: A13307, 46/2
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organisation regarding the Migration to Australia of Refugees and Displaced Persons - Date and place of signing: Geneva, 21 July 1947 - Date of entry into force for Australia: 21 July 1947 - ATS Number: [1947] ATS 3 - Language: English [with annotations]
Contents date range
21 Jul 1947 - 21 Jul 1947
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A13307, 46/2
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
04 Feb 2014
Physical format
BOUND VOLUMES (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Items medium note

Summary heading

Used in display

Descriptive note

First page in file used in 2014 Migration & Settlement Awards display for 10 hours at approx. 30 Lux.

Also used

in exhibition "A Ticket to Paradise" 20/11/14 - 9/3/15

32881139: RS2 Pg. 2 of Agreement Point 4. Transportation points etc was displayed in A Ticket to Paradise at Albury Library and Gallery from 16/10/16-14/12/16

Visibility and availability indicators
9. Published or Exhibited
64. Vulnerable item - to be viewed under direct superv
Records authority class number
Date registered
17 Apr 2009

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