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Used in Display
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Folio [9] “… but for Heaven’s sake don’t say I told you!”, Folio [12] “ Of course there’s no harm in your knowing!”, Folio [13] “Strictly between you & me….” and Folio [14] “…. But of course it mustn’t go any further!” were displayed in the Patriotism, Persuasion, Propaganda exhibition from 4 August 2006 - 22 October 2006 – SK 11.1.2007 Preservation Section
Folio [6] displayed in Memory of a Nation from July 2012 to January 2013, digital page 10, ‘Don’t forget the walls have ears!’ subitem 6974169
Folio [11] displayed in Memory of a Nation from January 2013 to July 2013
Folio [12] 'Of course there's no harm in your knowing' was displayed in Memory of a Nation from July 2015
Folio [8] "Be Careful what you say and where you say it" poster] was displayed in Memory of a Nation from from December 2016 to Sept 2017: 32880035