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Item details for: B1759, 1931/1
[Cylinder container for Sir Douglas Mawson's proclamation of sovereignty rights over Antarctic territory dated 18th February 1931]
Contents date range
18 Feb 1931 - 18 Feb 1931
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: B1759, 1931/1
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
11 Jun 1985
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Summary heading

  Used in exhibition.

Descriptive note

It was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 1 December 2011 to 10 September 2012 in both the TMAG and NAA Venues.


Visibility and availability indicators
76. Item charge: Photographic
31. Not to be issued for preservation reasons
9. Published or Exhibited
Alternative series and control symbol
B1759, NN
Date registered
12 Sep 1992

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